
Immeasurable Contributions

Discover the History

Auxiliary Policewomen's Force on World War II Beach Patrol Bill Beebe Collection (3.2.2642)This program is FREE and open to all ages and includes FREE access to our exhibitions.

Seating is limited and on a first arrival basis.
RSVP is suggested but not required via phone or email:

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Immeasurable Contributions

DATE:  March 16, 2014
TIME:  2pm – 4pm

TOPIC:  Santa Monica Women of World War II

American Women were crucial to the war effort- especially in Santa Monica. With so many men away at the front, women joined Douglas Aircraft in droves to build, test, and deliver necessary aircraft, patrolled the beaches on civil defense patrols, spearheaded and supported war bond efforts, served in service organizations that provided entertainment and goods to the troops, and even joined the armed services.

In honor of Women’s History Month and in collaboration with the City of Santa Monica’s Commission on the Status of Women, the Santa Monica History Museum is honoring Santa Monica Women of World War II in our Discover the History program.  Immeasurable Contributions include a slide show of historical photographs, a corresponding short talk and focus exhibit.

EXHIBITION:  [ link to exhibition page ]

Lecture Highlights
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Santa Monica History Museum

1350 7th Street
Santa Monica, CA 90401


Museum Hours

Thursday 2pm-5pm
Friday Saturday Sunday 11am-5pm.
First Sunday Free Admission

SMHM is a Museums For All partner museum.