Preserve & Protect History
Your support makes our work possible.
The Santa Monica History Museum is dedicated to preserving, protecting, and promoting the history for the Santa Monica Bay area.
Your generous gift today will support educational programs like school tours and Hands on History workshops, the Discover the History lecture series, research requests from the community, unique and interactive exhibits, and the extensive archives and collections of the museum.
Donations of all types are welcome!
- Become a Member
- Volunteer your time
- Donate family photos or objects (or share your stories)
- Planned Giving
- Legacy Tree
- In-Kind
one-time or recurring
donate TODAY
donate TIME
share your history

future donation
planned GIVING

legacy TREE
Amazon Smile
Ralph’s Community Contribution
It’s easy! Connect your rewards card to and choose us as the organization!

How to Donate
donate ONLINE with PayPal
A PayPal account is not required. To get started, click the “Donate” button.
1) Enter the donation amount
2) Choose “Donate with PayPal” if you are using your PayPal account or choose the option “Donate with a Debit or Credit Card” if you are not
3) To make your contribution a recurring (monthly) donation, check the option: “Make this a monthly donation”