A Gift From The Heart

Through planned giving, the mission and activities of the Santa Monica History Museum can be supported very significantly when it might not otherwise have been possible. A special, planned gift affords the opportunity of supporting the Museum in many ways, including a perpetual fund in the donor’s name.
A planned gift to an individual’s valued charity is a generous, heartfelt commitment that can be achieved while maintaining income and lifestyle goals. Generally a bequest in a will or living trust, the charitable donation offers tax-advantaged personal benefits in addition to supporting a charity. The detailed procedure for giving in this manner is usually determined in consultation with a lawyer or wealth management advisor as part of an individual’s overall financial and estate planning.
The Santa Monica History Museum is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowable by law. Tax ID: 95-3019295
Planned gifts can be made at any time of the year to support the Museum while improving one’s own position, both today and tomorrow.
Plannged Giving Program
The following are ways you can participate in our Planned Giving program.
Give Through a Will and Trust
Gifts by will or trust are one of the Santa Monica History Museum’s most important sources of support. Unrestricted gifts give us the greatest flexibility to use funds where they are most needed.
- Designate that a fixed amount or percentage of your estate be given through your will or living trust
- Provide a gift of a specific property (real estate, stocks, etc.) and other items to the Santa Monica History Museum
- Arrange a trust as part of your estate plan to provide income to a loved one, with an eventual gift to the Santa Monica History Museum after that person’s lifetime or another period of time you choose
- Name the Santa Monica History Museum to receive a contingent bequest in the event other heirs are not there to receive their legacies
You should consult with your attorney before making any changes to your will.

Gifts of Stock
The Santa Monica History Museum welcomes stock donations. Contact us for more details.
Join a Workplace Giving Program
Workplace Giving programs allow you to direct donations to the Santa Monica History Museum through payroll deductions, which allows you to spread your giving over the entire year.
United Way
Employees at companies and other organizations that participate in United Way workplace campaigns can support the Santa Monica History Museum through the Donor Choice Program with a “write-in” designation.
Gift of Life Insurance
By donating a life insurance policy to the Santa Monica History Museum designating the non-profit as a beneficiary, you may be able to take a tax deduction for the current cash value of the policy.
Charitable Remainder Trust
In the right circumstances, this plan can increase your income, reduce your taxes, unlock appreciated investments and ultimately provide very important support to the Museum.
Memorial and Honorary Gifts
If you have a family member or friend whose life has been touched by the Santa Monica History Museum, we hope you’ll consider making a gift to us in honor of that person.