Legacy Tree
Tree of Life

Be a part of Santa Monica’s history forever by having your name engraved on a leaf and permanently on display in the lobby of the Santa Monica History Museum.
Giving a leaf is a wonderful gift to memorialize or honor a loved one, friend or business. When purchased as a gift, we will send an acknowledgement to your recipient.
Call 310.395.2290 or email us at development@santamonicahistory.org
Fill out our form, and return either by mail or in-person.
Download form
Return by mail:
Make check payable to: Santa Monica History Museum
P.O. Box 3059, Santa Monica, CA 90408
Return at Santa Monica History Museum with payment:
1350 7th Street, Santa Monica, CA 90401
GOLD LEAF $5,000

Other Ways to Give
Our several gracious and dedicated volunteers help keep the museum operating. We are always looking for more devoted people.
There are many ways to support our mission!
A special, planned gift affords the opportunity of supporting the museum in many ways, including a perpetual fund in the donors name.