
Research Request Form
Let us help you with your research!

If you have a project or interest in someone or something about Santa Monica, let us help you get the information you need. We can help with photos, videos, documents, or objects. Fill-out the form below or Contact Us.

Call 310.395.2290 or email us at info@SantaMonicaHistory.org

Research Request Form

All research requests must be made in writing. Please allow up to two weeks for research to be completed. Results will be delivered to you via email to the email entered on this form. If you do not have an email, indicate how we should contact you.
Rate: First hour of research is complimentary. Any additional in-depth research will be charged at the rate of $10/hour.
Be as specific as you can about what you want to find. For instance, include all names, dates, and locations. If you need a particular type of format such as manuscripts, maps, or photographs, be sure to note it.


Include as much information for which you already have. (Eg: name, date of birth, birth location, date of death, spouse(s), children)
If more than one person listed, indicate what date goes with which person.
Indicate if this is a known year or approximate year.
Indicate if this is a known year or approximate year.
Provide any other information you have that will assist in the research.


Include as much information for which you already have. (Eg: address, year it was built, closed or demolished)
Provide any other information you have that will assist in the research.


If your request is not about a person/home/building/business, provide as much information about the topic.
Provide any other information you have that will assist in the research.


You may upload any photos, videos or documents, or other information that will help in the research. You own the right to all that is uploaded. The Santa Monica History Museum will only use these files for help in the research of your request. [ SARA - review this verbiage ]
Attach photos, videos, or documents
Acceptable formats: jpg|png|gif|mp4|doc|docx|txt Max file size: 100M

Contact Information

Email is the preferred option to contact you. If you do not have an email, please indicate how we should contact you.


Santa Monica History Museum

1350 7th Street
Santa Monica, CA 90401


Museum Hours

Thursday 2pm-5pm
Friday Saturday Sunday 11am-5pm.
First Sunday Free Admission

SMHM is a Museums For All partner museum.