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Route 66: Stories from the Mother Road
DATE: October 5, 2019
TIME: 3pm – 4:30pm
TOPIC: Three distinguished Route 66 authors share stories and their unique perspectives on the Mother Road
These three distinguished Route 66 authors share stories and their unique perspectives on the Mother Road in this lively and interactive panel. Come learn how the Mother Road continues to ramble on, for future generations.
This discussion made possible by: California Historic Route 66 Association
EXHIBITION: California’s Route 66: Hiding in Plain Sight

Glenn Duncan‘s keen interest in history, architecture, and preservation took root when he moved to South Pasadena. Although this focus had lain dormant through early career experience in advertising and television production, it really blossomed after he joined the National Trust for Historic Preservation, California Preservation Foundation, Los Angeles Conservancy, and was appointed to the South Pasadena Cultural Heritage Commission. Serving on the Commission for almost 18 years, Glen played a key role in preserving its legacy of almost of 2500 historic properties, including many listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Glen has served as president of the South Pasadena Preservation Foundation, Heritage Coalition of Southern California, and the California Historic Route 66 Association. In 2005, he authored Route 66 in California, an Images of America.

Kathy Strong has been a travel writer for more than 30 years, having written or contributed to more than 20 travel guidebooks and countless magazine features. Her books include: Southern California: Off the Beaten Path; Recommended Bed & Breakfasts: California; Driving the Pacific Coast: California. Her newspaper column, GOING MY WAY, appeared in the Gannett/USA Today newspaper Travel section every Sunday in Southern California for a decade. She has also been a contributor to Forbes Travel Guide and USA Today weekly magazine. Through the years, Strong has been a frequent talk show guest on both radio and television, recently appearing on “The Today Show.” Strong’s latest travel reveal is a new online travel website: www.PSWishYouWereHereTravel.com. This first edition of her new book Secret Southern California is a culmination of the native Southern Californian’s knowledge and love for the off-the-beaten-path treasures of the southern part of the state, as well as “secret, authentic” finds at every turn.

Scott Piotrowski moved to Los Angeles in 1996, roughly following Route 66 on his journey and falling in love with the people and places that make up the highway. Ever since he has focused his Route 66 preservation and promotion efforts along the Route 66 corridor in Los Angeles County while advocating for a new perspective for the future of Route 66. Piotrowski is currently the President of the California Historic Route 66 Association. He is the author of “Finding the End of the Mother Road: Route 66 in Los Angeles County.”

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